These are the necessary requirements and conditions that must be in place before proceeding with WDA.
1. If the framework is java/go
Dependending on the your choice of framework, Make sure you have that installed to run the application.
2. Any IDE of user chocie
For Example:-
a Intellij b STS c Vscode
3. Install docker
By installing docker you can run the other services in container instead of installing in local.
Services Like the following can be run in container: a DataBase b keycloak c Jhispter registry(Eureka) To install Docker:
The user can also opt for the deployment at the WDA as well, in such case:
There will be some pre requisite of WDI:
1 Terraform
2 kubectl
3 aws-cli
4. To push the docker image to ECR repository
You would require a AWS cli, to configure reffer the below link.