📄️ User Interface
React and Angular are popular JavaScript frameworks used for building SPA based user interfaces!
📄️ Backend Frameworks
WeDAA enabled prototyping of applications with Spring Boot and GoLang two most popular backend frameworks used for building backend of a business application!
📄️ API Gateway
Applications build with WeDAA can have seemless integration with Spring Cloud API Gateway!
📄️ Service discovery
WeDAA enables discovery of services among microservices with the integration of Eureka discovery server!
📄️ IAM Security
WeDAA enables integration of Keycloak, an open source identity and access management solution.
📄️ Data Persistence
At the persistence layer WeDAA supports both SQL and NoSQL databases!
📄️ Documentation
WeDAA enables seemless integration of Docusaurus as documentation component!
📄️ Elastic Cloud(ECK)
Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes simplifies setup and running Elasticsearch and Kibana in Kubernetes.